Red Pill Movement, Kevin Samuels, and Everything That Lies In It

The “manosphere,” a collection of unrelated blogs on men’s masculinity and philosophies, encompasses the themes presented in The Red Pill. 

Nothing here seems particularly controversial at first glance, but dig a little deeper, and you’ll discover plenty of instances of why this community’s conversation attracts attention.

For those who believe in the Red Pill, the truth goes like this: Oppression of women is a myth, and it’s males who really are at a loss. 

However, evolution has created distinct differences between the sexes, and it is only fair that each gender fulfills the responsibilities assigned to it. Men should go to work and have sex with women, while women should stay at home and raise children.

Why Does Someone Swallow The Red Pill?

Most of the people that end up in this grouping are guys who, for one reason or another, have had a rough time with women or have been mistreated in some way by a female. 

Another example is someone who has had it with what he believes to be a pervasive culture of misandry that attributes all societal ills to a bias against men. Also applicable to dudes who just seek guidance on improving their sexual success.

Red Pill and Kevin Samuels

Kevin Samuels was a YouTuber, image consultant, and life/dating counselor for people outside the red pill/manosphere group. 

His greatest popularity may be gauged by the 1.2 million people who follow him on Instagram and the 1.4 million people who subscribe to his YouTube channel. A collection of his disputes with women and his infamous rants about “modern women” have brought him widespread notoriety. 

His videos attracted a lot of attention and criticism. We have never seen anything like it in the history of the internet.

Kevin was a tall, extremely fit man in his 50s, and he wore suits like his life depended on them. There aren’t many people who can convey a point as well as Kevin.

Red Pill Community Keeps Growing

The fast expansion of the Red Pill community may be attributed to the fact that more and more men are becoming aware of the media’s portrayal of men’s increasing exclusion in several spheres, including the school, the court, the political arena, and the workplace.

The breakdown of marriage and the family has become alarmingly common as a result of unrestrained freedom of choice and agency. 

Destroying the traditional family is the first and most basic step in annihilating any society. When men get married under the false pretense of love, their wives might suddenly take all they’ve worked for, despite their promises of a lifetime of devotion and loyalty.

Divorce and separation are in the headlines every other week, whether it’s between close friends and relatives or between a famous actor and his wife. Many individuals, particularly males, have realized by now that the concept of a soul mate is illusory.

There is a lot more that can be discussed about this red pill movement.

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